
The number of members enrolled in the Chapter is unlimited.

Membership shall be available to any suitably qualified medical practitioner or scientist involved in any of the hepatic, pancreatic or biliary fields.The number of members enrolled in the Chapter is unlimited.

The Chapter shall consists of the following types of members:

Founder Life Member

Life Member who joined the Chapter before 31st March 2001.

Life Member

Post Graduate Medical Doctor from any Institution or University recognized by the Medical Council of India or approved by the Executive Committee, and with an active interest in IHPBA.

Associate Life Member

Person from medical, nursing or technical background with an active interest in IHPBA but not fulfilling the criteria for Life Member. They shall have no voting rights nor shall they contest any position in the Executive Committee.

Honorary Life Member

Person of renown, who has made outstanding contribution to the field of IHPBA. To be nominated by unanimous vote of Executive Committee and to be ratified by simple majority of the General Body.

Corporate Life Member

Person from Industry with an active contribution to the requirement of IHPBA.

International Life Member

Life Member from a country other than India but without voting rights.